This is new! And a work in progress...

Experienced Full Stack Software Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the financial services industry. Skilled in Java, Spring Boot, JavaScript, ReactJS, with a keen interest in design and UX to ensure that high quality and easy to use solutions are delivered.

Skills and Technologies

Backend Technologies

Java - Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Cucumber, Hibernate. JavaScript - Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js

Frontend Technologies

JavaScript, Typescript, CSS, SASS, React, Redux, Angular, RXJS, AgGrid, Bootstrap, FluentUI, Tailwind CSS, Webpack, Jest, Cucumber.js, Cypress, Puppeteer

Data Technologies

Relational DBs - IBM DB2, Sybase, PostgreSQL. Monitoring - Prometheus, Grafana

Infrastructure Technologies

Ansible, Docker, CI/CD

Work Experience

Software Developer

Morgan Stanley

2016 - present

Experience working in both front office and operations technology teams has provided insight into the customer facing business as well as the day to day operational side of an investment bank.

International Tax Regulatory and Withholding Platform

Working in an agile manner with our co-located end users to develop software to manage tax paid on dividends for both clients and the firm, as well as the regulatory requirements that arise from requests from tax authorities.

Primarily working with Java (Spring Boot), and Node (NestJs) microservices, JavaScript (React, Nest.js). Taken the leading role in modernising the team’s tech stack, along with embracing standard DevOps practices to ensure that we can deliver quality software quickly on Morgan Stanley’s internal cloud.

Property Analytics System

Leading the development of a data visualisation and analytics system which utilised data from potential clients, previous loans combined with broader market data in order to significantly reduce the work load of the origination team.

Built using React and Java (Sprint Boot), along with Python for ETL jobs. I was responsible for coordinating a development team split across continents.

Origination Tracking and Asset Management Tools

Working in an agile manner with direct contact with our remote end users to ensure that we meet their needs. Taking a leading role in making technical decisions, driving forward significant improvements in product usability and maintainability.

Primarily working with React and AngularJs front ends with Java (Spring) application servers to build systems for large loan origination and asset management.


Working with campus recruitment at career fairs, internal events as well as delivering talks on university campuses about the firm and our recruitment processes. Conducting telephone interviews and assessment centres for internship and graduate positions as well as lateral hires.

Part of a team that runs a yearly intern AI hackathon, expanding from Glasgow to running across EMEA and APAC intern programs. Contributed to the socialgorithm platform and open sourced games created within Morgan Stanley.

Lab Demonstrator

University of Strathclyde

2015 - 2016

Working with lecturers to deliver a consistent environment for students doing coursework exercises.

This involved on the fly problem solving and the ability to quickly grasp what students are struggling with and understanding attempted solutions. This required the ability to communicate clearly, especially as English was potentially not a students first language.

Summer Analyst

Morgan Stanley


Working within compliance technology, focused on transitioning the firm away from legacy client web technologies towards HTML5 and AngularJs, as well as working to extend the existing features offered by the platform.

Working in an agile environment within a team that was based around Europe that had a culture of working from home demanded good communication skills, as well as the ability to express technical problems and solutions concisely and effectively.

Streamlining the development process, adding automated testing and bundling the application using popular web build tools such as Gulp, Grunt and SASS.


Computer Science B.Sci

First Class

University of Strathclyde

2012 - 2016

At Strathclyde the main focus was on software development, and developing a robust set of skills and good practices across multiple languages. There are also classes which dive into the underlying hardware of the machine and the surrounding infrastructure to aid with the building of software that utilises the architecture for efficiency.

SLATE: Strathclyde Learning Analytics Test Environment


This dissertation project allowed users, both academic staff and students, to view information about progress within classes and compare it to past data sets. The system used Machine Learning in order to provide actionable warnings to students and staff in order to address performance shortfalls.


Hackathon Event Coordinator & Host

Involved in arranging and managing the Strathclyde University Hackathon (StrathHACK). This involved:

  • Liaising with Major League Hacking and the university.
  • Arranging catering & supplies for over 120 participants.
  • Creating and managing the events digital presence.

Hosted the opening and closing presentations as well as being the lead contact for participants, while simultaneously coordinating resources and ensuring that problems where quickly resolved when they arouse.

StrathTech Member
